Hearing Health at Universal Audiology
Hearing loss is the inability to hear sound in either one or both ears. Sometimes, with hearing loss you can hear sound, you just lack the clarity to hear words in conversations or you can’t hear certain tones or frequencies. Hearing loss can happen naturally or can be the result of repeated exposure to loud noise. Often times, as we age the hair cells in the inner ear deteriorate, causing hearing loss. The best solution is to manage your hearing loss with hearing aids. At Universal Audiology, we have a wide range of hearing aids that will help you manage your hearing loss and continue to hear the voices of the people you love.
Signs of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss often occurs gradually, over the course of a few years. If you have gradually lost your hearing over time, it can be hard to recognize the signs. Often times, a close friend or spouse will recognize the signs of hearing loss first. If you have experienced any of the following, then it is time to have your hearing checked.
- Sounds seem muffled
- It’s harder to hear when there is background noise
- You often ask people to repeat themselves
- You listen to the TV at a volume louder than everyone else
- You can hear sounds but you can’t hear what people are saying
- You hear a ringing in your ears
Hearing and Your Brain
Hearing doesn’t only involve your ears. In order to hear and process sounds, sound must reach the auditory cortex of the brain. The brain is how we process and make meaning of sounds, not through the ears. When you have hearing loss, your brain isn’t receiving the necessary stimulation it needs to remain active and healthy. When you can’t hear clearly because of hearing loss, you miss out on certain sounds and frequencies, and eventually your brain will forget those sounds. This can lead to cognitive decline and even dementia.
It’s important to manage your hearing loss as soon as possible to keep your brain active and healthy. Hearing loss can cause unnecessary strain on your mental health and your brain. In fact, those who have hearing loss often feel tired after social interactions. This can result in social isolation because you feel too tired to interact with other people. To keep your brain healthy and to combat the feeling of mental fatigue, contact us today and see how hearing aids can help you.

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Our Offices
Olean Office
2223 West State St
Suite 102
Olean, NY 14760
Office Hours
Mon – Fri: 9AM-4PM
Sat & Sun: CLOSED
Dunkirk Office
860 Central Avenue
Dunkirk, NY 14048
Office Hours
Mon – Fri: 9AM-4PM
Sat & Sun: CLOSED
Orchard Park Office
3959 N Buffalo Rd
Orchard Park, NY 14127
Office Hours
Mon – Fri: 9AM-4PM
Sat & Sun: CLOSED
Jamestown Office
505 Foote Avenue
Jamestown, NY 14701
Office Hours
Mon – Fri: 9AM-4PM
Sat & Sun: CLOSED